Sunday, November 30, 2008

Who is behind the Tragedy in Mumbai?

What security specialists should be reviewing carefully is the unique aspect of this terrorist event - The attack was staged from the ocean! It might be a good idea to study landing operations in military history, both in conventional warfare and terrorism. There may be some interesting answers to important questions.

When all of the dust settles, it will be likely be discovered that there is no single terrorist organization that planned, coordinated, and conducted the attack - At least no single organization that existed a month ago! The majority of the attackers were members of, or associated with Indian or Pakistani based Muslim extremist groups, but the funding and coordination were probably a joint effort of native extremist elements and Middle Eastern Sunni jihadists (Al Qaeda or close associates) . There was more going on here than just the attack at Mumbai. This was also very likely intended as a tactical exercise. This is what motivated external participation.

On recent claims by the "Deccan Mujaheddin":

Another important aspect of this attack involves the targeting of Jews and foreigners. Islamic extremists do this when they are trying to gain legitimacy in the broader context of Islamic fundamentalism. If there had been a monastery close by, they probably would have targeted it as well. It indicates to me that this claim by the "Deccan Mujaheddin" probably has some substance. This attack may have been their coming out announcement, as a new terrorist player in the region.

Of course, they are nothing like new players, they are really the same people who have been blowing things up in India and Pakistan, in the name of Islam, for a few years. The difference is that this group probably now has some level of external operational and financial support emanating from Sunni extremists in the Middle East. What they want is to be India's version of "Al Qaeda in Iraq"!

If you are motivated by this topic, you might find a blog post on the Hunt for Bin Laden interesting.